Intro of AI
- AI -> machine learning -> deep learning -> generative AI
- Rule-based system
- Every rule has an exception
- conflicting and hard to maintain
- Three categories of machine learning
- Representation and feature
- Three driving forces of AI
Model evaluation
- H0 and H1
- Type I and Type II errors
- Confusion matrix
- Training vs testing vs validation vs cross-validation
Image data & clustering
- Image data representation
- Clustering and use cases
- K-Means algorithm
- Issues with image clustering
Feedforward net
- What does deep/feedforward/neural/network mean
- Fully connected layer, neurons, weights and bias
- Parametric model
- Parameter and hyperparameter
- Loss function
- Optimization procedure
- Gradient descent
- backpropagation
Activation functions and regularization
- Common activation functions
- Sigmoid/tanh, Softmax
- ReLU, leaky ReLU and parametric ReLU
- Overfitting, appropriate-fitting,
- underfitting and regularizationNorm: L1, L2 Dataset augmentation
- Dropout
- Training stage and testing stage
- Learning rate and why adaptive
- Training epoch, mini-batch approach
- Scalar, vector, matrix, tensor
- Convolution, convolutional layer and three depths
- Locality
- Spatial invariance
- Filter/kernel, depth slice, sliding/convolving, stride and zero-padding
- Parameter reduction and hierarchy of features
- Max pooling
- Architecting CNN and transfer learning
- architecting: conv -> pool
- transfer leanring: strip down the final fc layer and fit a new fc layer
- Image classification applications
- Discriminative modeling vs generative modeling
- Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN)
- Discriminative modeling: tell whether a thing is generated or not
- Generative modeling: generate random shits
- Training goal: generated shits become harder to tellif it’s generated or not
- Temperature in LLM: how much LLM is smoking
Networked data and graph theory
- Vertices/nodes, edges/links, directed/undirected, weighted/unweighted, neighbors/adjacency
- Path, distance, eccentricity, cycle and DAG
- eccentricity = a node’s longest geodesic (shortest path btwn 2 nodes)
- DAG: a graph that has no cycles
- Density and clustering coefficient
- density = edges / num of all possible edges
- cc: # of pairs of neighbors that are connected
- Centrality measures: degree, closeness, betweenness, eigenvector
- degree: in & out edges
- closeness: how easily a node can reach the rest of the ntwk
- betweenness: how critical is a node connecting different groups
- eigenvector: neighbor is more important -> itself is more important
- Degree distribution and power law
- $P(k)~k^{-\gamma}$
- A small number of things get the most popularity
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