Time Series ARMA

AutoRegressive (AR) Moving Average Models


  • Definition
    • An autoregressive model of order $p$, denoted by AR(p), is described by
    • AR(p): $Xt = \phi0 + \phi1X{t-1}+… + \phipX{t-p} + W_t$
    • p=1 -> AR(1): $Xt = \phi0 + \phi1X{t-1} + W_t$
    • Where:
    • $X_t$ is the value of a stationary time series at time $t$
    • $\phi$ are coefficients, $\phi_p ≠ 0$
    • $W_t$ is Gaussian white noise

AR models

  • Only on stationary series
  • “Auto” because it regresses itself
  • AR(1)
    • Case $|\phi_1| < 1$:
    • Consider AR(1): $Xt = \phi0 + \phi1X{t-1} + Wt$ for $|\phi1| < 1$
    • It can be shown that:
      • $Xt = \frac{\phi0}{1-\phi1} + Wt + \phi1W{t-1} + \phi1^2W{t-2} + …$
      • $E[Xt] = \frac{\phi0}{1-\phi_1}$
      • Autocorrelation at lag h:
      • $\rhoX(h) = \phi1^h$ for $h = 0, 1, 2, …$
    • X is correlated with all lagged values of time series
    • Case $|\phi_1| ≥ 1$:
    • Consider AR(1): $Xt = \phi0 + \phi1X{t-1} + Wt$ for $|\phi1| ≥ 1$
    • This cannot be represented by prev values of $W_t$
    • This is called an explosive process
  • Causal:
    • Def:
    • AR(p): $Xt = \phi0 + \phi1X{t-1}+… + \phipX{t-p} + Wt$ is causal if $Xt$ can be expressed as a linear combination of current and prev values of $W_t$ as:
      • $Xt = \muX + Wt + c1W{t-1} + c2W_{t-2} + …$
      • $\mu_X$ is the mean function of stationary time series
    • An AR(p) is causal if and only if all roots of the polynomial equation
      • $\phipz^p + … + \phi1z + \phi_0 = 0$
      • have absolute values greater than 1
    • the autocorrelation function of a causal AR(p) model is either exponential decay or a sinusoidal as lag increases

Moving Average models

  • Def
    • An moving average model of order q, denoted by MA(q), is described by
    • MA(q): $Xt = \theta0 + \theta1W{t-1}+… + \thetaqW{t-q} + W_t$
    • $\theta$ are coefficients, $\theta_q ≠ 0$
    • W_t is Gaussian white noise
  • Only on stationary series
  • “Moving average” becayse $X_t$ can be represented as the weighted sum of some values of white noise series
  • MA(1)
    • COnsider MA(1): $Xt = \theta0 + \theta1W{t-1}+ W_t$
    • $E[Xt] = \theta0$
    • $\rho_X(h) = $
    • $\frac{\theta1}{1+\theta1^2}$ for $h=1$; can be proved by using definition of autocovariance
    • $0$ for $h = 2,3,…$
    • $h=0$ is not considered because value is always 1
  • For MA(q), $\rho_X$ = 0 from lag q+1 onwards
    • On ACF graph, if $\rho$ from some lag suddenly becomes 0, then a MA model might be a fit, and the order would be that q
  • Order estimation
    • ACF can provide information about MA model because of above things, but cant provide information about AR models
    • Then how can AR model’s information be gotten?
    • use PACF
      • it behaves on AR just like ACF for MA, drop to 0 from p+1 and onwards
      • it behaves on MA just like ACF for AR

AR Moving Average models

  • Def
    • An ARMA model of orders p and q, denoted by ARMA(p,q), is described by
    • ARMA(p,q): $Xt = \phi0 + \phi1X{t-1}+… + \phipX{t-p} + \theta1W{t-1}+… + \thetaqW{t-q} + W_t$
      • p = 0 -> MA(q)
      • q = 0 -> AR(p)
  • Does NOT have cutoff point on ACF and PACF

AR ←→ MA

  • A causal AR(p) model can be represented as an MA($\infin$) model
    • So ACF for an AR model tails off, because it has infinate MA order
  • Under mild conditions, MA(q) model can be represented as an AR($\infin$) model
    • So PACF for MA model tails off, becayse it has infiniate AR order
  • ARMA model display both components and exhibit a complex pattern that is a blend of AR and MA.

For a causal AR(1) model $Xt = \phi0+\phi1X{t-1}+Wt$ with $|\phi1| < 1$, it can be shown that:

            $Xt = \frac{\phi0}{1-\phi1} + Wt + \phi1W{t-1} + \phi1^2W{t-2} + …$


            MA($\infin$) $ = \theta0 + Wt + \theta1W{t-1}+\theta2W{t-2} + …$


            $\theta0 = \frac{\phi0}{1-\phi1}, \theta1 = \phi1, \theta2 = \phi_1^2,…$

Then $Xt = $ MA($\infin$). $Xt$ is represented by a MA model with infinite order.


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