By using a difference, the nonstationary shits can be trandformed to stationary shits
Formal shits:
backshift operator
difference of order d
ARIMA model
Assume is not stationary, and by using , it become stationary
Fit an ARMA(p, q) on for forcasting, which is equivalent to fitting an ARIMA(p,d,q) model to
Use forecasts from with linear transofrmation to predict values
Forecast by using an ARMA model
Predict as:
Ljung-Box test:
H0: Model does not exihibit lack of fit
Ha: Model exhibits lack of fit
idea is to look at AC residuals (actual-predicted), if they exhibit correlation, then the model has not fully captured the underlying strutcure of the TS data
Forecasting accuracy metrics:
MA Percentage E x 100%
Root MSE
Box-Cox transofrmation
Use thid transformation to transofrm a non-normal time series into a near normal one
is estimated by finding the value that maximizes the log-likelyhood for the transformed data
This is used to reduce heteroskedasticity
Hetero time series X can be transformed into homo series Y by choosing a value lambda
Fit ARIMA model on Y and get Y hat
Reverse the transform to get X hat
SARIMA model
seasonal AR(P):
ACF tails off at lags S, 2S, …
PACF cuts off after lag PS
seasonal MA(Q):
ACF cuts off after lag QS
PACF tails off at lags S, 2S, …
seasonal ARMA(P,Q):
ACF tails off at lags S, 2S, …
PACF tails off at lags S, 2S, …
Then p,q are estimated within the lag interval btwn 1 and S
Hybrid SARIMA-regression model
Combine SARIMA with external variables by regressing over it and in some cases it kicks fucking ass oh yeah
For time series :
This value is dependent on t, so is not stationary
By definition, is a MA(2) model. MA models are always stationary.
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